To explore, engage and embody the Good News of Jesus.
Our Vision
Reclaim our purpose in Communion.
Rekindle reconciliation within our Community.
Rejoice in the beauty of our shared Commission.
Acts 29 Network
New City Presbyterian Church is a member of the Acts 29 Network, a global coalition of church-planters who stand for traditional evangelical confessionalism and exist to establish healthy, multiplying churches. Our partnership with Acts 29 provides invaluable financial resources, networking with like-minded churches, and operational support in our mission to explore, engage, and embody the Good News of Jesus Christ in Celina.
Rev. Jake Patton, Lead Pastor
Jake is a native Texan. He grew up in Austin, San Antonio and Arlington. He received his undergraduate from Covenant College in 2000 and his Masters of Divinity from Covenant Theological Seminary in January of 2008. He and his wife Paige have 4 children: Laci, Luke, Aubrey and Brooke. Before moving to Celina to plant New City Presbyterian Church, Jake was a Pastor at Southwood Presbyterian in Huntsville, AL and Downtown Presbyterian in Greenville, SC. He would love to grab a meal with you to talk gardening, Texas football, theology or film. Feel free to contact him at jake@newcitypres.org.
Deborah Hollifield, Women’s Resources
Prior to serving New City, Deborah spent 17 years as an elected Justice of the Peace in Texas. She then went on to seminary before serving congregations in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. She lives on a farm in North Texas in a house built by her “Gift From God” (her late husband, Chris), now shared with Lily the Goldendoodle and Frankie the Corgi and varying numbers of barn cats. She loves to garden and is very proud of the ones that survive! Deborah and Chris are parents to Jake, and Nana and Grandad to Gray Ocean, Valencia Iris and Thea Clementine. Deborah serves the women of Celina and New City with a broad spectrum of needs. Please contact her if you would like to speak confidentially about ethical issues, special needs, adoption, abuse or pregnancy at d_hollifield@msn.com.